How has the Internet made it easier for us to embarrass ourselves — or be embarrassed by others? Laura M. Holson discusses the history of personal mortification online and Jon Ronson’s new book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed.
Also on the show we’re joined by Dennis Fong, better known by his gaming handle Thresh and for being the world’s first professional PC gamer. Mr. Fong is founder and CEO of Raptr and drops by to tell us about his company’s new gameplay capture service Plays.TV.
Ever wish you could celebrate and share your personal gaming triumphs with others who didn’t happen to be around for the moment of glory? If so, check out the new service that was publicly launched today by the gaming company Raptr.
The software (shown below) includes a video recorder that starts up when you begin playing so you can capture clips of your best moments — and show them off to the world on the site or your favorite social-media outlet. We get the details directly from the source on this week’s episode of Pop Tech Jam, when Raptr chief executive (and former professional gamer) Dennis Fong joins us. Grab the episode now and listen in to the conversation!
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